
WFI Freedom sessions

The centerpiece of our model of ministry is “freedom sessions.”  These three-hour loving prayer times provide space for the Holy Spirit to bring healing and wholeness to the deepest parts of your life.  As we address areas of inner healing and spiritual warfare, you find long-term freedom in Christ from wounds you carry, and the debilitating lies rooted in those areas of hurt are replaced with God’s truth.


Registering for Sessions

As you have listened to the story of a friend or read the information above, you probably are thinking, “Sign me up! I need this in my life!” To register for freedom sessions, there is really only one step you need to take – attend a free “Explore” Wellsprings of Freedom International class. During “Explore,” you will gain a deeper understanding of who we are, what we do, and what you can expect in your freedom session. At the end of the class, you will be given options to register for freedom sessions. Use the button below to find out more about your options for attending this class (including locations, times, and dates) and to register for the class.

Why It’s Needed

In addition to fulfilling the example we see in Jesus, we know that we have a real spiritual enemy named Satan who is out to “rob, kill, and destroy” (John 10:10).  He is an opportunist who seeks to use anything in our lives to hold us back from becoming all God has for us.  He may use wounds in your past or present.  He will remind you of choices you’ve made you wish you had not.  He will use even your family’s choices in an attempt to hinder your growth.

You may be weighed down with constant lies in your mind.  Perhaps you live with a burning feeling of rejection or abandonment.  Your life could be marked by constant worry, fear, or anxiety.  You may even despair of life or feel like there is no point to your existence.  The chaos and blocking in your mind could be keeping you from a deeper relationship with God and others.  You might be carrying the heavy weight of condemnation and guilt or be filled with the toxic poison of unforgiveness and bitterness.

None of this is God’s plan for your life!  He came to set the captives free.  He has a Kingdom purpose and a Holy Spirit-breathed plan for you.  When you make space for the Holy Spirit to move and bring healing in a freedom session, He does things only He can do in your life. 

Model of Ministry

During our three-hour loving prayer times called freedom sessions, you will experience the following model walked out.

Team-Based Approach

One key distinctive as an inner healing and spiritual warfare ministry is that we are team-based.  We believe we are better together and that greater levels of freedom come in the context of community.  As Jesus said in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our freedom sessions are facilitated with gentle authority by a compassionate team of trained volunteers with various spiritual gifts to help you experience spiritual freedom.  The three roles on a WFI team are team leader, discerner, and intercessor.

All three roles work together in unity to help you find the freedom you seek in Christ Jesus.  He does the work of transformation, but our teams are the vessels through which that flows.

Next Steps

Taking your next step with WFI is easy.  Because we are a vast global movement with teams covenanted together to serve under the same model of ministry, you should check out our list of locations and contact the team nearest to you. 

Participate in an Explore Class

Once you have completed that step, you will need to watch our on-demand “Explore” class or attend an in-person Explore class so that you can be prepared for what to expect in a freedom session. Upon completion, you will be provided with an opportunity to register for freedom sessions.

In addition to the three-hour freedom sessions, many locations also offer shorter physical healing prayer sessions where the team focuses on any physical healing needs you may have.

Network Locations

Each month, we are adding Wellsprings Network locations across this country and around the globe. Our heart is to see more people in more places set free to love God, others, and themselves as Christ intends – and we do so through establishing local teams right in your neighborhood.

List of Wellsprings Network Locations

Our Wellsprings Network teams are all well-trained and continually coached to help you find the freedom in Christ you seek. All of our official Wellsprings Network teams covenant together to use the same model and methods of ministry. The method is the same if you go to a team on the East Coast, West Coast, or anywhere in between.

If you want to learn more about what it takes to establish a Wellsprings Network Team in your location, check out our training page.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’re thrilled you’re ready to take your next step with WFI!  To register for a freedom session, you will go to our locations page, select the location you’d like to receive ministry, and contact them directly.  They will explain their process to you. 

Because our Wellsprings Network is comprised of teams in many different locations, there are different requirements for each team.  Some of our teams ask for a small fee which allows you to pay forward the blessing you receive and resource that team for the future.

For most locations, you can expect around a 3-month wait.  Turn that wait into a preparation period and begin to ask the Lord to till the soil of your heart for what is to come.  While we offer many sessions across our Wellsprings Network, the demand for this ministry is great so it takes time.  Be patient and prayerful!

We understand that you might feel some anxiety at the idea of coming to a freedom session.  However, because your freedom session is about you, we ask that you do not bring others with you.  If you do, the team leader will ask your guest to sit in another room and wait for you.

Yes!  We do offer online sessions via Zoom.  The Holy Spirit works the same over technology as He does when we all are in one room.  Clients testify to great levels of freedom and healing through both online and in-person sessions.

We do sessions for any age individual!  From birth until the day Jesus calls you home, we are honored to pray with you.  For children under the age of 12, we require a parent accompany the child for freedom sessions. For adolescents, we ask parents to bring their teens and sit out of the room, but still be in the building. 

We all have different life journeys and so, there is no cookie cutter answer to how many freedom sessions are needed.  However, we have observed over the years that most adults need an average of three freedom sessions to attain a deeper level of freedom.

Once you have gone through “Explore” classes and register for freedom sessions, you can prepare through prayer, reading your Bible, and journaling.  You may even invite some trusted friends to pray for you during this time as you prepare for sessions.

Yes!  Our trained volunteers maintain a high-level of confidentiality.  Your story is yours to share, unless you give us permission otherwise.  That said, by law, we are mandatory reporters and depending on the state in which your team is located, current abuse or trafficking must be reported to proper authorities.