Wellsprings Network Teams
Wellsprings of Freedom International is made up of many network locations all with the same mission of offering freedom to a broken world. Though each location is its own entity (some in local churches while others are community-based), every team has been trained, equipped and coached by WFI certified trainers and continues in a covenant partnership with us. So you can go to any location and find the same model of ministry done in the same gentle authority. Click the tabs for more information on each network location.
- Wellsprings of Freedom at Mile High Vineyard
- freedom@milehighvineyard.org (Best Contact Method)
- 720.727.7729
5855 Wadsworth Bypass Building B
Arvada, CO 80003 -
Ministry Leader Royal Benjamin - rhbenjamin4@gmail.com (Best Contact Method)
- 303.882.9328
Parker Evangelical Presbyterian Church
9030 Miller Rd.
Parker, CO 80138
- Wellspring of Freedom The River
- https://www.riveronline.church/wellsprings
- RiverWellsprings@riveronline.church (Best Contact Method)
- 302.321.5548
The River
35175 Roxana Rd.
Frankford, DE 19945
- Wellsprings at Park Place Church
- https://weareparkplace.com/wellsprings
- wellsprings@ppwc.org (Best Contact Method)
- 727.526.3674
Park Place Church
4400 70th Ave. N.
Pinellas Park, FL 33781
(Please Scroll Up)
- Evolve (Freedom & Coaching)
- https://www.beeverevolving.com
- lakesha@beeverevolving.com
- 404.565.4401
- Atlanta, GA
(Please Scroll Up)
- Wellsprings of Freedom International – Rock Island Healing Center
- https://www.wellspringsoffreedom.com/rock-island-healing-center
- info@wellspringsoffreedom.com
- 309.788.8100 (Best Contact Method)
3900 18th AV
Rock Island, IL 61201 -
Breakthrough Ministry of Kankakee - breakthroughministryofkankakee@gmail.com
- 815.953.0298 (Best Contact Method)
Resurrection Community Church of the Nazarene
425 East Court St
Kankakee, IL 60950 -
MBC Wellsprings of Freedom - wellsprings@missionbible.church (Best Contact Method)
- 815.467.2205
Mission Bible Church
412 N Wabena Ave
Minooka, IL 60447 -
Mercy Waters of Freedom - dmcintyre.mercywatersoffreedom@gmail.com (Best Contact Method)
- 331.218.3520
Church of The Great Shepherd
903 W Library Dr
Wheaton, IL 60187 -
River of Freedom - https://rofprinceton.com/
- rofprinceton@gmail.com (Best Contact Method)
- 815.408.0016 (If no email, feel free to text or call)
Princeton Wesleyan Church
421 E Dover Rd
Princeton, IL 61356 -
Wellsprings of Freedom at Community Plainfield - https://communitychristian.org/plainfield/wellsprings-of-freedom-prayer-orientation/
- amyciesniewski@communitychristian.org (Best Contact Method)
- 815.267.1717
24035 Riverwalk Ct
Plainfield IL, 60544 -
Wellsprings of Freedom at The Hope Collective - https://thehopeco.com/wellsprings/
- wellsprings@thehopeco.com (Best Contact Method)
- 224.286.1043
The Hope Collective
23153 W Miller Rd
Lake Zurich, IL 60047 -
Wellsprings of Galesburg, IL - galesburgwellsprings@gmail.com
- 563.293.6251 (Best Contact Method)
First Church of the Nazarene
1501 Webster St.
Galesburg, IL 61401 -
Wellsprings of Kankakee - wellspringsofkankakee@gmail.com
- 815.214.9644 (Best Contact Method)
Real Life Church
2095 West Station Street
Kankakee, IL 60901
- WFI Indiana Regional Hub
- https://www.wellspringsoffreedom.com/indiana-regional-hub/
- david@wellspringsoffreedom.net (Best Contact Method)
- 765.251.8434
428 S. Washington St. Suite 315
Marion, IN 46953 -
BORN Freedom Ministry - freedom@born.church (Best Contact Method)
- 765.293.7012
320 N. Adams St
Marion, IN 46952 -
Frankfort Camp Wellsprings of Freedom - frankfortcampwellsprings@yahoo.com (Best Contact Method)
1058 West Freeman St
Frankfort, IN 46041 -
Wellsprings at Brookhaven Wesleyan Church - https://brookhavenwesleyan.org/wellsprings-of-freedom
- wellspringsatbrookhaven@gmail.com (Best Contact Method)
- 765.251.8709
2960 E 38th St
Marion, IN 46953 -
Wellsprings at College Wesleyan Church - https://collegewes.com/care/
- marionwellsprings@gmail.com (Best Contact Method)
- 765.382.6238
200 E 38th St.
Marion, IN 46953 -
Wellsprings at Community of Hope - https://www.cofh.com/
- office@cofh.com (Best Contact Method)
- 260.248.2725
208 W Jackson St.
Columbia City, IN 46725 -
Wellsprings at Sweetser - https://www.sweetserwesleyan.org/wellsprings.html
- sweetserwellsprings@gmail.com
- 765.384.7232
Sweetser Wesleyan Church
200 W Delphi Rd
Sweetser, IN 46987 -
Wellsprings at Trinity Church - https://www.encountertrinity.com/ministries/prayer/
- wellsprings@encountertrinity.com (Best Contact Method)
- 317.849.9576
11721 Olio Rd
Fishers, IN 46037 - Wellsprings of Freedom at Grace Fellowship Church
- https://www.gracefellowshipwc.com/our-ministries
- gracefellowshipwesleyanchurch@gmail.com (Best Contact Method)
- 812.677.3402
901 S Stormont Street
Princeton, IN 47670 - Wellsprings of Freedom at Farmland Friends
- wellspringsatffc@gmail.com
- 765.372.8639 (Best Contact Method)
8311 IN-32
Farmland, IN 47340 - Wellsprings of Freedom at Pathway
- https://www.pathway.community/
- info@pathway.community
- 574.267.7983 (Best Contact Method) (Pathway Church – Deanna – Office Admin.)
2402 W Old Rd 30
Warsaw, IN 46580 - Wellsprings of LifeSpring
- https://www.lifespring.tv/
- wellspringsoflifespring@gmail.com (Best Contact Method)
- 312.469.0792
5600 US 27 North
Richmond, IN 47374
- Radiant Wellsprings of Freedom
- https://radiantonline.org/wellsprings
- wellsprings@radiantonline.org (Best Contact Method)
- 515.265.0560 ext. 708
1300 Metro East Drive Ste 106
Pleasant Hill, IA 50327 -
Wellsprings Ottumwa - wellspringsottumwa@gmail.com (Best Contact Method)
- 641.226.7186
412 E Main St
Ottumwa, IA 52501
- Freedom Sessions at Community Life Church
- http://www.communitylifechurch.com/
- valerie@communitylifechurch.com (Best Contact Method)
6424 Vista Dr
Shawnee, KS 66218
(Please scroll up.)
- PCF Prayer Ministry
- brennan.t.hughes@gmail.com (Best Contact Method)
- 615.815.0433
Parkway Christian Fellowship
255 Bill George Rd
London, KY 40741
(Please scroll up.)
- Wellsprings at New Creation Ministries
- https://www.ncm.life/
- 410.543.2484 (Best Contact Method)
206 Moonglow Road
Fruitland, MD 21826
Please scroll up
- Central Wellsprings of Freedom
- https://www.centralholland.org/care
- wellsprings@centralholland.org (Best Contact Method)
- 616.395.3640
Central Wesleyan Church
446 W 40th Street
Holland, MI 49423 -
Radiant Freedom Prayer Ministry - https://www.theradiantlife.church
- freedom@theradiantlife.church(Best Contact Method)
- 269.651.7802 (call only – not a text number)
Radiant Life Church
907 North Nottawa Street
Sturgis, MI 49091 -
Springs of Healing - https://kentwoodcommunitychurch.com/
- bcunningham@kcconline.org (Best Contact Method)
- 616.455.1740
1200 60th St.
Kentwood, MI 49508 -
Transformational Prayer Ministry - https://www.wearefaithchurch.com/
- michelle@wearefaithchurch.com (Best Contact Method)
- 517.482.8660
2300 Lake Lansing Rd.
Lansing, MI 48912 -
Wellsprings at All Shores - https://www.allshores.org/
- julie.burns@allshores.org (Best Contact Method)
- 616.842.9022
All Shores Wesleyan Church
15550 Cleveland
Spring Lake, MI 49456 -
Wellsprings at The Bridge Flint - https://thebridgeflint.com/
- bridgeflintprayer@gmail.com (Best Contact Method)
- 810.553.9243 (call or text)
The Bridge Flint
G3326 Corunna Rd
Flint, MI 48532 -
Wellsprings at Stoney Church - https://stoney.church/
- WellspringsInfo@Stoney.Church
- 586.232.5484 (Best Contact Method)
11711 26 Mile Road
Washington, MI 48094
- Wellsprings of Freedom at KWC
- https://kwclife.nucleus.church/freedom
- anita@kwclife.com (Best Contact Method)
- 336.497.1752
930 N Main St.
Kernersville, NC 27284
(Please scroll up.)
- ADK Wellsprings of Freedom & Healing
- https://www.lakesideregionalchurch.org
- adkwellsprings@gmail.com (Best Contact Method)
- 518.504.7894
Lakeside Regional Church
9803 Graphite Mountain Rd,
Hague, NY 12836 -
Streams of Freedom - https://revivewesleyan.com/streams-freedom/
- agawera@revivewesleyan.com (Best Contact Method)
- 716.649.6335 (ask for Amber)
Revive Wesleyan – McKinley Campus
4999 McKinley Pkwy,
Hamburg, NY 14075 -
Streams of Healing - bccstreamofhealing@gmail.com
- 716.627.8815 (Best Contact Method)
Blasdell Community Church
67 Lake AV
Blasdell, NY 14219 -
Waves of Freedom - http://www.hillsidewc.net/
- srpastor@hillsidewc.net (Best Contact Method)
- 716.372.5677
753 Prospect Ave
Olean, NY 14760
(Please scroll up.)
- Freedom Ministry
- office@newhope.rocks (Best Contact Method)
- 419.994.1112
New Hope Community Church
637 N Market St.
Loudonville, OH 44842 -
Regen Wellspring Team - https://www.myregen.org/partnerships
- WellspringsRegen@gmail.com (Best Contact Method)
- 330.557.5073
Regeneration Church
1128 State Rd NW
Warren, OH 44481
(Please scroll up.)
- Wellsprings of New Life
- https://www.newlifeindiana.org
- wellsprings@newlifeindiana.org (Best Contact Method)
- 724.471.2981
New Life Community Church
2334 Oakland Ave
Indiana, PA 15701
(Please scroll up.)
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- The Inner Healing Ministry of Red Cedar Church
- http://www.redcedarchurch.com/
- walkingoutinfreedom@gmail.com (Best Contact Method)
1701 W Allen St
Rice Lake, WI 54868
(Please scroll up.)
We also have freedom teams serving in:
- Russia
- The Middle East
- Haiti
For more information, email contact@wellspringsoffreedom.net