Deeper Master Class

A Four Week Class for Network Team Members

Please see Network Leader for form access code.

We get it.  So do we.  That said, we are seeing this as a valuable investment in our team members and cancelling our sessions both here in RI and at the Indiana Training Hub for the month.  And healthy, thriving team members are a big part of our goal.  As much as we want clients living in victory, our team members need to be as well and sometimes, we need to pause and care for them.  Perhaps slide your sessions for one month to another day – or just give yourself and your team permission to take care of yourselves so that you have the inner reserve to make it long term.

Many years ago, we learned the importance of people having “skin in the game”.  When individuals pay for something, even if it is a small amount, they are more likely to not just attend, but engage.  Our suggestion is instead to establish a scholarship fund for those who maybe need full or partial assistance.  If a team member is struggling financially, you can make this available to them so they can participate, but for those who can pay, it’s a great motivational force to show up and invest themselves in the process.

Learning alongside and from like-minded people can be an incredible sharpening tool.  But we get that some of our Network team members are leery of throwing themselves into a sea of new people and then being forced to interact.  Let us speak to your fear – we will give you great tools and structure to help you navigate these cohorts – and at the same time – we encourage you to push yourself just a bit to interact with someone new.  Who knows, they may become a huge blessing in your life you would have missed if not for this class.  And hey, remember that each week your cohort will be the same people!

Yes, your team is amazing, but we are stronger when we learn alongside and from others.  There is a stretching and growing that is only accomplished when we get to know people who have similar values and passions, but minister in a different place.  For this reason, we are intentionally not doing this as teams.  Not because your team is toxic, but because your team is comfortable and known.  See this as a way for you to grow individually, but that individual growth and health impacts your whole team.

If you are a more “mature” team member, serving for years on a Wellsprings Network team, you have learned a lot over the years.  Not to say you know everything, but it might feel like what more can you teach me that you haven’t heard.  Here’s the truth.  This is absolutely new material, in a new format, and with cohorts of people most of which you do not know.  If you are willing to lean in and learn, we guarantee there will be fresh wind for you.

We love seeing all your faces live and in-person.  But praise Jesus, He is growing our Wellsprings Network and expanding us in such a way that it makes it very challenging for us to do an in-person event where many people can attend.  It’s expensive in cost and time for you and it greatly limits who can participate.  But this format, just try it and see the benefits!

We know being in things live can cause changes to your schedule, but a big piece of the effectiveness of this master class will come in the cohorts.  It is the discussion and conversation that will take this class and ultimately you, to the next level.  Of the two hours of class, there will be a good portion in those cohorts.  We understand recordings are convenient, but because of the style of this class, they will NOT be available.