Rock Island Healing Center
Welcome to our Wellsprings Network
location in Rock Island, ILlinois!
We are an inner healing and spiritual warfare ministry that helps the children of God find long-term freedom and healing in Christ. We are one of many Wellsprings Network teams located around the globe.
freedom sessions
The centerpiece of our model of ministry is “freedom sessions.” These three-hour loving prayer times provide space for the Holy Spirit to bring healing and wholeness to the deepest parts of your life. As we address areas of inner healing and spiritual warfare, you find long-term freedom in Christ from wounds you carry, and the debilitating lies rooted in those areas of hurt are replaced with God’s truth.
If you are interested in freedom sessions, your next step will be to attend one of our free online or in-person “Explore” classes. At the conclusion of the class, you will be given the opportunity to register for a freedom session should you so choose. Keep scrolling to see upcoming “Explore” class opportunities. We also offer shorter physical healing sessions where we focus on prayer for physical challenges you may be facing.

explore classes
Online Explore Dates - 2024
July 8
September 9
November 11
Explore Class dates for 2025 will be posted Soon!
In-Person Explore OPtions
April 8
June 10
August 12
training opportunities
equipping in inner healing & spiritual warfare ministry
jan 21 - feb 18
- 5:30 - 8:30 PM Central
- $125/Person*
- Zoom
- *Includes "Training Modules Notebook"
apr 14 - may 12
- 5:30 - 8:30 PM Central
- $125/Person*
- Zoom
- *Includes "Training Modules Notebook"
JUL 22 - AUG 19
- 5:30 - 8:30 PM Central
- $125/Person*
- Zoom
- *Includes "Training Modules Notebook"
- 5:30 - 8:30 PM Central
- $125/Person*
- Zoom
- *Includes "Training Modules Notebook"